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Dairy of a Corper 17

20th May-16th Day on Camp

After a dream that am still trying to decode, i woke up around 02:00am and i couldn't sleep again. I began to meditate on several things, but majorly on dance.

Gone are those days that i used to think that once the heart is right, the act doesn't matter. The Lord has opened my eyes to see that the right heart produces the right act.

At a time, shawama was a snack that people were eating well. But if anyone had got it for me, i would have given it out or dash the bin. No one can decide my favorite kind of food for me; not even by prophecy. God clearly wrote the kind of sacrifice he wants. Giving Him a diseased animal because that is what is available or that is what is trending will not make Him accept such. When people dance skelewu(...and the likes) in the church, they are offering an abominable offering to God.

Our lazyness to press into God is what is making us to look back and desire the onions and the cucumbers of Egypt. There are many types dance in the Spirit available to us only if we can press. Skelewu(...and the likes) is just like exchanging gold for wood.

The morning after the storm was so cold that i reluctantly went to the parade ground. After a short parade, i and some others from my platoon were sent into the hall to arrange the chairs. While arranging the chairs, parade was suddenly dismissed and everyone was sent into the hall. We didn't know what was happening. Later, we saw some corpers sitting down close to the hostels; some were even on mofty(...we wear white on white always).

These people were those who played truancy and dogged the morning parade. They were moved to the parade ground and punished severly. It was a great sight to behold from inside the hall.

Romans  13:1 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.  13:2 Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.

During breakfast, i sat among Igbo boys who described this camp as a prison. We have a uniform, number and food that is prisoner-like in nature. I think i agree with them. After breakfast, i moved to the kitchen( was the turn of my platoon to cook and i was placed in the afternoon group). Kitchen was interesting and exhausting. We picked beans and prepared Fried rice and meat. We served beans and garri for lunch and the guys that served with me gave people nothing less than 3 spoons of beans as against 1 on the other groups. I remembered a scripture that made me smile.

John  10:10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

While serving, some people who were not honouring the queue and after a while i screened out the queue-jumpers and i didn't know someone was looking at me. He had O.A.U tag on(...i have met many with the tag who doesn't know me). After serving him, he said "Weldone, my pastor". I was shocked! That is the first person that will recognise me in that manner here and he met me doing the right thing!

Ephesians 4:1   I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called,

I left kitchen shivering despite the hot weather. I couldn't stand on my legs for long. From the kitchen, i went to my room with the decision that i wont attend NCCF due to my health. After refreshing, i was convicted to attend worship night of NCCF. It was awesome and i wasn't interviewed.

We had the best dinner on camp today-Fried Rice and Beef


*Skelewu-A type of dance in Nigeria


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