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Showing posts from July, 2019

The Reality of Armageddon in the Media

The happenings of this world have been moving in a direction that seeks to edge God out of everywhere. God is not permitted in the government houses, schools, hospitals and even public places. They call Him religion; classifying Him among the perverse innovations of the devil meant to decieve man. These occurrences are not coincidental. They are well planned actions by the devil to rid the earth of all forms of the presence and influence of God. One major way of getting this done is by dominating the sphere of influence called Media. The battle for the media is typified in the bible as the battle between Israel and the Amorites. The Amorites were one of the 7 nations Israel was instructed to wipe out from the promised land. Moses and Joshua fought battles against the Amorites with different signs and wonders such as the standing of the Sun in the sky for a day. The word "Amorites" means "to say" or "to talk". They were a boastful, arrogant,

The Reality of Armageddon in the Education

The battle to own this world ought to be glaring to every man, but the devil has hid himself behind several thought patterns. An example is religious intolerance. This is the major route through which the devil used to effectively send the influence of God out of the educational system in the world. The educational system is basic to the value system of a society as the values are built into the next generation using the school. The devil was stealth enough to introduce religious intolerance to break the stronghold of the influence of God in the schools which had existed for decades. Students with other faiths began to get uncomfortable with the truth of God's word as projected by their colleagues and this led to a series of court cases in many countries. Europe and North America were the first to be bit by this terrible wave that swept prayers and bible readings out of Colleges (Universities) and High (Secondary) schools. The battle was fierce in USA as several parts

The Reality of Armageddon in the Church

At the end of 2017, I was at a retreat where the LORD asked us to pray against the plan of the devil for 2018 which was to start a war in Nigeria and the aim of the war was to take the attention of the church away from Jesus. One of the spheres of influence where the battle between man whose will aligns with the will of God and the devil is the church. Ever since the birth of the church in the days of the apostles of the Lamb, the devil has always attacked her through every available means. The first 100 years of the church was so turbulent because the devil was bent on wiping out the growing ecclesia of Jesus. Somehow the devil knows that the church is the very organization that will lead to the establishment of the will of God on the earth. Part of the stories of how the early church was persecuted are written in the bible, but most are not found in the canon of scripture. Robert Liardon did a very amazing work on the Martyrs of the church from Stephen, the deacon