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Showing posts from August, 2022

Priesthood and Patterns (Part 1)

A priest, according to the bible, is a person that appears before God on behalf of a people, a territory or a nation. As big and important as this is, there is a duty of the priest that is of paramount importance- getting the patterns! God created priesthood, first to pass across His patterns to the people before the people respond to Him or their situations. Priests are a people that understand that God has a pattern for things on earth and they are interested in getting that pattern for the people they represent. We are in the year of increasing measures of Light. This means that we will get to know more about the ways of God and not just the acts of God. God has patterns for developing the earth- that's what we are studying in science. Also, God has a pattern for all aspects of the world; including the seven spheres of influence and He wants us to know these patterns. It is these patterns that the world system cannot overcome. The pattern of God will always bring out righteousne