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Showing posts from June, 2019

The Reality of Armageddon 2

From the days of Adam, the devil has been looking for means of establishing his wish upon the face of the recreated earth. It was this that pushed him to tempt the first family, who were in charge of the earth, to take the authority of the earth. Psalm 115:16 showed that the legal authority on the earth is man, but the devil stole this authority from man in the garden of Eden. This grieved God as His plan for the earth is 'thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven'. So, right from Genesis, we see two agenda for the earth. One from God through man and the other through the devil. God began to devise means through which He will restore man back to the place of authority, but the devil has always created holes in the plans of God for man because God would not intrude the earth except a man is involved. So God has to wait upon a man before His can appear on the earth. It must be noted that God is not the one in direct battle with the devil. That would be very blasphe

The Reality Of Armageddon 1

I was reading a book by Rick Joyner sometimes ago and he said in the book that 'most Christians don't believe that Jesus resurrected'. I immediately said to myself that that must be a typographical error. But when I read the next sentence in the book, he said that when he first saw that statement in one of the writings of Charles Spurgeon, he also said that it must be a typographical error, but the Holy Spirit told him that it is not an error. That made him to meditate on the statement much more. In his meditation, he saw that Christians only have a mental agreement with the resurrection of Jesus, but they do not have faith in it. That part of the book made me consider the truths we call the basis of christianity which are the virgin birth of Jesus, the deity of Jesus, the life and ministry of Jesus on the earth, the death and resurrection of Jesus and the coming back of Jesus to take away His ecclesia. All these have implications and only those who take action

Something You Should Not Read

There is an aspect of my blog that I have neglected for quite a while now. It is where I inform you about my life and how things are going on with me. You know, it is quite a general belief that 'spiritual' guys have it all together. While this is our pursuit, it is not yet our reality.Our experiences are not yet on that very line that it seems to look like. But as long as he is seeing visions and sharing encounters, no one would believe that he could be suicidal too. Now, this is not a suicide note, but I won't share this article. I would only drop it here for those who finds my blog interesting enough to check other articles apart from the one that brought them here. Recently, I have more questions on my hands than answers. From a relationship that never saw the light of the day, business deals going sour, emotional insecurities to 'severe' ministry challenges, questions have poured from my heart to God and the answers do not seem forthcoming. Many nights,