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Showing posts from May, 2020

The Word Of The Lord To The Black Race

My time of intercession for Nigeria was 'hijacked' as I was led to pray for something I have not really paid attention to: 'The Black Race'. There have been an outcry against racism in the last few days owing to the death of George Floyd, who was killed with a white knee on his neck. Like I said, I didn't give the situation much thoughts until I went to pray. As I began to pray, the Holy Spirit led me to standing in gap for the black race on the earth. Shortly into the prayers, I saw that books were opened in heaven. The petitions in the courts of heaven about the way the black man is being treated on the earth is massive! I went on praying in the Spirit and a word was impressed upon my heart and for a while I was confused. I had to 'step back' to make enquiries from the Holy Spirit if I was on the right track. When I was clarified about the word, I took a record of it and went on to act on it. It took my quite a long while before the burden re

Your Love Story (Final Part): Reckless Love

What I needed wasn’t more than that because by morning, my strength level didn’t just increase, I was wide awake for the first time in 7 weeks. My friends thought it’s a miracle. I knew it was love. They were very glad to have me back and I was happy to see them. Firesola skipped school to be with me. It was a very joyful reunion. I spoilt the mood when I asked for Seun. Only Firesola answered. ‘Dad, go get your girl’. We were not shocked. Firesola is a wonder. Pastor offered to organize a reconciliation meeting. But I said no. I want to meet my wife alone. I went to the Ogundeji’s house after I was discharged from the hospital. Everyone left the living room immediately I arrived. Seun looked dejected. She dropped her face. ‘Darling, don’t drop your face. I came to get you. I have chosen you from the very beginning of creation. You are the very blossom that makes my garden radiate with glory. I choose to rejoice in you for I am unashamed to call you mine. Your shame, pains an


Dear Pastor, I still remember how I met you very vividly. 2013, I was led into a building in Ibadan, Nigeria where I saw "library resource" as one of the services they offer. I walked into that building and I met a group of people holding a meeting. I briefly spoke with you and you went back to coordinating that meeting. I didn't know that that was a meeting with destiny. I wasn't even praying in tongues. I remember how I would come to the former secretariat and I would hear you speak about faith all the time. One day, you showed me an old book about Smith Wigglesworth. You didn't know that that was a seed.You asked me to read a portion that talked about the presence of God that Smith carried! Few weeks later, you laid hands on me in a prayer meeting. That radicalized me and led to a whole lot of things in my final year in OAU. I started working closely with you towards the end of 2014 and a major lesson you always reiterate is FEED ACC

Your Love Story (Part 12): Come Boldly

My strength level did not show any significant rise with Firesola’s constant visits. I was dying. Something has to be done. My doctor called my pastor and advised that they allow Seun to visit in an attempt to save me. My pastor did not know how to pull it off. Firesola had mentioned it too. ‘Dad misses mum’. So he visited the Ogundejis. Seun had grown pale. She had to do a lot of tests. STDs. And yes, she had a few she was treating. She needed help to stay away from hard drugs too. She was really in a mess. My pastor could not hide his disappointment, but pleaded that Seun would do this for her husband even if it will be the last thing she would do for him. Seun declined the assignment. ‘He won’t wake up because of me’ and ‘I can’t stand before his presence after all I have done to him’ were her excuses. My pastor agreed, but Rev’d didn’t. ‘Why do you think he answered your call? Why do you think he came to that house? Why do you think he took a bullet for you after all your

Your Love Story (Part 11): The Gods Are Not To Blame

He had found out that Seun tried to call me the previous night. She wanted to escape. He was the one that sent the text messages to me using his own phone. He wanted me to witness her death. Apparently, Seun must have told him what I said to her the day she came to pack her loads from my house. I bought time so that my friends could get to the location with several arguments. I want Seun out of that place without another scratch. It wasn’t long before my friends came in with the police. He got scared when he heard footsteps and shot the gun. I fulfilled my promise of protecting Seun. The bullet went straight into my abdomen. He couldn’t shoot at us again before the police got hold of him. My friends didn’t allow Seun to be around me in the hospital. They were angry and bitter. They shouted at her to get away. Even my pastor could not get himself together. His right hand man in ministry is in coma. My friends could not believe that I could take a bullet for Seun. After all she

Your Love Story (Part 10): The Call

I am used to Firesola’s questions. Most of them are beyond the mind of a child, but I have learned never to ignore her questions. They often look like they come from the gift of the Spirit- word of knowledge or word of wisdom. It has saved me many times, so I knew Seun would either soon call me or she was the one that called the previous night. I didn’t pay Firesola’s question plenty attention in her presence. I got to work before I examined the number that called me. I called the number, but it was switched off. I knew Firesola will ask me again so I said a silent prayer; ‘God save Seun and make her call me again’. It was as if the heavens were waiting for that prayer because a text message entered my phone immediately I finished saying the prayer. ‘Come and take me home. I want to come home’. I replied; ‘where are you?’ I got an address. I believe this must be Seun. I forwarded the address to two friends and told them that if they didn’t hear from me in the next 2 hours, th

Courts of Heaven: Intercessors' Guide

Sometimes in February 2020, I got a notification about a meeting in the heavens that pertains to Nigeria. It was a court meeting and two great concerns were raised in that meeting. I have been permitted to share about it. One was that of inadequate/incorrect knowledge among watchmen. The reality of the courts in heaven and how to engage them is becoming clearer in the body of Christ. Psalm 82, the story of Job, the account of Micaiah all prove the existence of the courts. The importance of the knowledge of the nature, function and operation of the courts is paramount to the ministry of watchmen in the last days. There are many courts in heaven and they all have different functions. Some are not yet functional, but many are in operation right now. Revelation 5 described the assembly of congregation. Revelation 12 showed the operation of the court where the devil accuses the believers. There are courts over nations and spheres of influences also. Men living on earth are sometim

Your Love Story (Part 9): Fiery Firesola

Firesola was 9 months old when her mum began to misbehave. I watched as she arranged her friends for her 3rd birthday party picture. Seun’s genome cheated me too much. She looks completely like Seun, talks like Seun, laughs like Seun and she is as intelligent as Seun. Seun led her class in the university from year one till the end. When I struggled to maintain my second class upper, Seun sat comfortably in First class. She is a guru of Economics. I often call her my Ngozi Okonjo Iweala. Firesola literarily looks like a smaller version of Seun. She started reading books fluently before she clocked 3 years. Dictionary is her favorite book. Closely followed by the bible. She has read the entire New Testament. She is a wonder of a child. Her IQ must be higher than her age. What bothers me about her is that she has never asked about her mum. I know that she knows. Her actions proves it, but I want to see empathy in her. She needs that motherly care that makes everyone tender. More

Your Love Story (Part 8): Embarrassment Again?

I sat in Rev’d and Mrs. Ogundeji‘s sitting room waiting for them to join me. I didn’t know what to expect. I have kept the entire situation away from them, but I know that I can’t hide it forever. They must be aware. Rev’d Ogundeji is a gentle man with a lot of experience in ministry as a Baptist Reverend. He has been my saving grace out of many tight points; especially when his wife begins her drama. With him, I know I would be understood, but with her wife also coming for this meeting, I am absolutely in trouble. Rev’d cannot control her temper and it has caused many calamities in his ministry. Seun took her Dad’s character. Humble, understanding and willing to give more room for change. I prostrated as they came in. I focused on her dad and ignored her mum’s face. It was her Dad that spoke first. He asked why I have kept things from them. I defended myself by saying that I was handling it and I believe that things would come back to normal. Mrs. Ogundeji giggled. ‘You’re h

Your Love Story (Part 7): Pig's Party

I decided to give Firesola a treat so I took her to a mall. I made sure she had a great time having fun. She behaves like a 10 year old when she is just about to clock 2 years. She made friends who were fascinated by her smiling and playful demeanor. She can be just as hilarious as her mum can be. As I was thinking about the similarities between Seun and Firesola, I heard a noise at a place close to where I watched Firesola from. I turned aside to see what caused the noise. It was a couple arguing. I remembered that night I argued with Seun. She was defiant and wasn’t willing to hear my view. I had nudging in my Spirit that she was on a wrong road and I tried showing her, but she wouldn’t listen. I have never raised my voice at Seun until that night. I guess that annoyed her the more. I turned back to Firesola and allowed her to fill my thoughts. She is all I have now. The noise from the couple became louder and suddenly, I had a crash. I turned and saw the lady on the ground

Your Love Story (Part 6): Things Fall Apart

The next Sunday, I waited patiently till the end of the service to hear the outcome of Pastor’s meeting with Seun. After the service, I went to the Pastor’s office to wait for him. I met his wife there. She gave a very deep sigh when she saw me. ‘Mummy, have you met her?’ She could only nod. I noticed that she was cold. ‘Pastor will see you soon’. I have never seen my pastor’s wife in this state before. She never shows her emotions, but she couldn’t hide it this time. It must be bad! Pastor came in some minutes later and he started with plenty encouraging words. I know the drill. I have been doing it since college days. You say all those words to prepare the ground for the bad news. In my mind, I just wanted him to skip all that part and move into the real information. He then said ‘Seun doesn’t want to come back to you’. All of the things he said after that statement didn’t enter my eardrum. I was lost in thoughts. He had to tap me to call me back to his office. I woke u

Your Love Story (Part 5): Still In Faith?

I tried reaching her UK line, but it wasn’t going through. I tried the Nigerian number and it went through! Wow! She didn’t pick the call. I went straight to her office. I didn’t meet her, but I got to know that she has been back for over 2 months! The training was just 6 weeks. So Seun has been back for over 2 months and didn’t call me or come home? The same man that gave me her UK contact gave me the information. The following day, I was prepared to get to the root of this matter or I will bring down her office. I kept the information to myself so that no one will stop me. I dropped Firesola off and zoomed to Seun’s work place. I almost hit pedestrians before I got there. I fumed into the premises of the company with security men running after me as I didn’t go through the normal protocol for visitors. As I moved close to her office, I noticed that she was not alone. A man was with her. I rushed at the door and flung it open. What I saw sent a dagger into my heart. I was he

Your Love Story (Part 4): Building Alone

Firesola was still supposed to be feeding on breast milk, but her mother was no longer available for her. She was a constant source of joy to me. She hardly cry; always smiling. She is the exact copy of her mother. Every time I looked into her face, I would promise myself that whatever it takes, I’m getting Seun back! I will not give up on my marriage. Church members kept on asking questions. Those with genuine concerns and those that wanted information to have a good gist with their friends. I have been around for a while so I know how church people can be. Whatever demon entered Seun entered under my watch will not win this. I’m going to fight till this battle is won and bring Seun back home. So, I ignored the gossips. Seun’s friends were very supportive. They called to tell me that they were not in support of what Seun is doing. They have tried speaking with her, but she won’t listen. I told them to keep her in their prayers. My Pastor and his wife didn’t stay away. They g