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We Have Lost The Earth Already

For a long time, the attention was on male child, but few years back, the girl child got a lot of attention and the opportunities made available to them heavily out-weighed that of the boys: Trainings, Seminars, Scholarships and so on.

Eventually, those well trained and educated ladies began to fall in love with boys who had their faces oiled with some pinch of handsomeness, and their tongues laced with powerful poems and rhymes copied from Indian movies. They married them and found out that coupled with the oiled face and laced tongue, these guys were also demon- invaded and all manners of issues started happening.

Many girls didn't even get to the point of marriage. They were raped at slap-point. Suddenly, the world is waking up to another imbalance in our society: The boys have been neglected!!!

That's a classic example of how man keeps moving in a cycle! You see, man create problems for himself while trying to solve another problem. We have created many imbalances in this world as a result of trying to cancel out some imbalances we discovered in the earth and the world.

Consider the case of vaccines. Vaccines have been a highly appreciated discovery over the years, but it has also led to many unfortunate situations in many places. Bill Gates is currently under fire because his money was used to sponsor the research, production and deployment of many vaccines.

Some are saying he is doing it deliberately though. I don't know about that, but the facts remains that we really cannot solve our problems correctly. Situations surrounding the environment is another issue we caused by ourselves in a bid to have a better world.

Man is too limited in his wisdom. Man's wisdom is shortsighted and shallow to answer the questions that the earth and world is asking. Our needs have overwhelmed us. We are currently drowning in our own river of innovations and inventions.

I am a microbiologist and I have been following American Society of Microbiologist and Royal Society of Microbiologist. Some years ago, they both agreed that the diseases we once had the cures for are changing shape (becoming resistant) such that our drugs are now ineffective. Our breakthroughs in the past is fading away at a rate that is faster than we expect. We have lost the war against microorganisms already. That's a fact! Billions of dollars go into research every year with no tangible results from it.

The management of the economy is another huge situation that calls for global concerns. The world population is growing at a rate that the economy cannot match. There is no single country without a group of people regarded as "unemployed" or "underemployed". Our gurus have not found a global solution to the ever dwindling economic crisis. We can't handle the situation again. It's already "out of hands" in many nations.

With all these put together, it will be a huge miracle for mankind to survive another 3 decades in this world and earth except some extraterrestrial help come into play, but man has always said no to "extraterrestrial help". We have always trusted our wisdom to see us through. We have not yet learned that there is more to this earth and world than what meets the eye. We still want to struggle some more.

COVID-19 will go and we will return to our "normal" lives. We will turn a deaf ear to the calls of the invisible and eternal realm. We will explain it all away. Then, at the tail end, the obvious will become glaring, but it will be too late. This world and earth is more than natural. There is an end in view and quite shortly!

Isn't this the right time for us to inquire about the technology that has made the heaven to exist for millions of years without any disintegration? Are these not the times when innovators and inventors are supposed to check the original plan? Whatever chemistry that makes Jesus to remain alive for the past 2,000 years, are we not supposed to be interested in it?

Man's design is not to look inwards, but upwards. Our wisdom is nothing short of catastrophic! We have spoiled this earth already. We can't handle the world any longer. We are done! The end of the rope is here! God is the only solution we have and that's not a lazy option. It's the only option left!
It's a shame that we had to come to the end of the rope before realizing our need for God. You shouldn't live your life that way.
Never rely on yourself. Never you trust yourself! Depend totally on God!


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