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Showing posts from December, 2023

Oranmiyan (Part 8: Educating The Nephilim)

The birth of Oranmiyan came in the last days of Oduduwa. He already knew that he won't be able to see to the learning of the giant baby. Being a different breed, Oranmiyan would need a different education and for this to happen, Oduduwa had to send Oranmiyan to Egypt. At that time, no one knew what manner of child Oranmiyan would grow up into. They only knew that he was going to be strange, but they couldn't define the strange. To help you understand this well, we need to look into who a Nephilim is. The first time this breed of creatures entered the earth was in Genesis 6 when demons of high ranks found a way to deposit their seed in the women, the product was a breed that is half human and half demon. This is not a demon possessed man, but a being that is a demon with some human capabilities. It was so strange that God had to wipe them out with the flood because God considered them a contamination that could spoil His plan of redemption through Jesus. These people fought agai

Oranmiyan (Part 7: The Birth of Oranmiyan)

Before we look at the birth of Oranmiyan, it is necessary to learn about a certain man- Ogun. The war situation between Oduduwa and Obatala gave Oduduwa a lot of concerns. He gave birth to seven sons whom he sent into other locations to establish themselves and regard Ile Ife as their source. This is why we refer to Oduduwa today as the projenitor of the Yoruba people whereas, Oduduwa's family only took over the thrones of an already established tribe. It is historically inaccurate to refer to the Yoruba people as children of Oduduwa. Taking over a place and changing their culture completely is a pattern that is seen in a nation in the bible. That nation is Babylon. When Babylon takes over a place, they suck out their culture and give them Babylon culture. They take the best sons of the land and train them in Babylon ways so that the original culture of those people will be lost. This is what Nebuchadnezzar did with Daniel and his friends and the reason why the princes of Babylon d

8 Years As A Scribe

Exactly eight years ago, I began the journey of my blog, but my writing history dates back to my late secondary school days. My writings are very different from what a writer would pick up as a course. My writings are aimed at publishing the present workings of Jesus. This sacred responsibility makes me press for the heart of Jesus per time to make His work known to His people. This kind of calling is referred to as a scribe in the bible. A scribe is a custodian of God's laws and words to the nation of Israel. They ensure that God's word is preserved for the people to read. This is why we have the scriptures today. Today, a scribe is separated to ensuring that God's word through His prophets are recorded and the fulfilment can be traced. This is what I do. At the end of every year, I will gather all the prophetic events that held during the year and showcase them on my blog. Also, at the beginning of every year, I gather the counsel of God as spoken by a number of His proph

Oranmiyan (Part 6: Oduduwa vs Obatala)

If you have been following this series, you would be aware that the most probable origin of the Yoruba tribe is from a certain man called Lamurudu who was displaced by Muslims from the middle east because of his idolatry. He left with the aim of settling in Egypt. In Egypt, men were fellowshipping with demons of high ranking and taking up their nature. In return, these demons found a way to implant their seed in Egyptian women (like it happened in Genesis 6) who gave birth to Nephilims- giants. Lamurudu learned from a man called Yariba how to fellowship with these demonic princes too. His own demon of high ranking is called Oduduwa. This is why most history books are lost when they trace the origin of Oduduwa. Lamurudu soon became a master in this kind of sorcery that Yariba became jealous and it led to a fight. Lamurudu decided to move on to a place where he would be able to settle and be the king. Leaving Egypt, he began to introduce himself as Oduduwa instead of Lamurudu. In Ile Ife