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Showing posts from February, 2020

Intercession: Following Daniel's Footsteps

The need for intercessors in the earth today, is at the highest level in the history of mankind. This is because the will of the Lord, needs facilitation to be established as the Age is fast rounding up. Kenneth Hagin, in his book- The Art of Prayer, said that 'it is as if God cannot do anything except a man prays' . Intercession, therefore, is very key to the fulfillment of God's will in an individual, community, nation, and the world at large. In the bible, we see several men who played this intercessory role, and got tremendous results. From Abraham, to David, to Elijah, Daniel, Jesus, and Paul; we see different patterns of intercession. At this moment in time, the Lord would have intercessors pay attention to the pattern of intercession pictured in the ministry of Daniel. Daniel's ministry was in captivity, and he was involved in many noble assignments with different kings, but his intercessory ministry never suffered. This is the first lesson

China's Coronavirus: The Beginning of The Harvest

During the week, the Lord asked me to raise a prayer altar to Him, concerning the pestilence that has gotten the attention of the entire world. Over the weekend, I made out time to pray, and the revealed counsel of the Lord about the situation was so heart warming. China has been a communist nation for a very long time, and this has led to the execution of many believers. I read the story of a missionary in Robert Liardon's God's Generals- Martyrs. Watchman Nee was also killed as a result of his faith in Jesus. Late in 2019, there was an outbreak of a certain virus that carried a different strain from what had been existing before. This made the virus impossible to kill. And as at now, It has spread to many countries, including USA. While I prayed, the Lord began to show me how that light shines when there is darkness, meaning that the virus will give the men of China an opportunity to choose because the few Evangelists in the land are being equipped with the healing

Japan: Rising Intercessors

Japan, was also on the radar of the Father as I prayed. Globally, there is a decline in the zeal and passion of intercessors, and this is caused by the consistent attack of the devil and his hordes. I had a fierce battle in 2019, but the Lord held me. Glory to His name! At this point, there is a need to release prayer energy for the saints called to intercession in Japan. The hand of the Lord is upon the nation, and He wants to literally bring out beauty from their ashes. Japan will be like a princess among the Asian countries as she will radiate the beauty of the Lord. I went online to search on prophecies concerning the nation, and I found a very interesting one from 2017 that says: some people in Japan will come together to seek the face of the Lord. This was a confirmation for me, as God has indeed earmarked some people as intercessors in Japan. There is a need to strengthen the hand of these intercessors in the land for the counsel of the Lord to be established. At the m

Last Days: In Defence of the Prophetic

It is essential that we do the work of the ministry in such a way that no one will be able to blame us, however, after we do the needful, there will still be the Sanballats and Tobiahs. We have nothing to do to those ones than to leave them in the hand of God. The essence of this write is to answer questions that I have been asked and I know some others may also have. The prophetic movement was restored to the body of Christ about 40 years ago and it came with its excesses and inadequacies as played out and received by men. This made many to be put off just like every movement in the body of Christ has been out off by different groups. Every movement of God including the prophetic is a valid move and have a vital place in the body. The prophetic has been stretched in different quarters, but this does not invalidate the authenticity of the movement. Kenneth Hagin, whose memory is very blessed with me paid more attention to the prophetic ministry the Lord gave him after a