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Last Days: In Defence of the Prophetic

It is essential that we do the work of the ministry in such a way that no one will be able to blame us, however, after we do the needful, there will still be the Sanballats and Tobiahs. We have nothing to do to those ones than to leave them in the hand of God. The essence of this write is to answer questions that I have been asked and I know some others may also have.

The prophetic movement was restored to the body of Christ about 40 years ago and it came with its excesses and inadequacies as played out and received by men. This made many to be put off just like every movement in the body of Christ has been out off by different groups.

Every movement of God including the prophetic is a valid move and have a vital place in the body. The prophetic has been stretched in different quarters, but this does not invalidate the authenticity of the movement. Kenneth Hagin, whose memory is very blessed with me paid more attention to the prophetic ministry the Lord gave him after a very dramatic experience where he had an accident.

When the disciples of Jesus asked Him to tell them how they will be able to recognize the last days, the first warning He gave them was that they should make sure that they are not deceived. This shows that the value of being led by the Holy Ghost is going to have a huge premium in the last days.

I have always separated word of knowledge and word of wisdom from prophecy; not because they are not some forms of prophecy, but we need the unction upon prophets at national levels than we need them for our individual lives. Our lives are more affected by national situations in this day than at other times. Your country has a lot of effect on you at this time than at any other time in history. You only need the news media to believe this.

Some have said that God does not have any stake on nations, but just the people in there. Both the old and new testaments proves that God has keen interests in nations of this world. I urge you to pay attention to the writings of Myles Munroe. The kingdom of God is not the church. The church is simply the seed that is leading (and will still lead) to the establishment of the kingdom. Jesus is presently waiting to take over the kingdoms of the earth. (Rev 12:10, Ps 24)

At Armageddon, the issue is no longer souls of men, it will be about nations! We must all get this straight! This is the basis for Prophets declaring that God has a will in elections. He is as concerned about nations as much as He is concerned about souls. Not just because nations affects souls, but because He wants His dominion over these lands. We would deceive ourselves to say that the history of nations is not connected to their allegiance to Jesus.

USA is the greatest country today because of the founding fathers who dedicated the nation to the Lord and founded the laws of the country from the bible. UK remains a princess in today's world because of their actions towards the bible. After many years of persecution, UK was the first nation where the bible was read publicly by non-laity! The development that followed was unprecedented! Isaac Newton, Isaac Watts and many great scientists were products of this. It's history, check it out yourself.

Kenneth Hagin once had a vision where the Lord told him some things that would happen in USA at that time. The account of the vision is captured in his book- 'How To Write Your Own Ticket With God'. Why would Jesus be talking about USA to Kenneth Hagin if He doesn't have any desire for the nation? I use Kenneth Hagin because of his acceptability across many places, however, my faith is in the Lord because of what He has written.

The prophets have a great role in this time in keeping the church in the right direction as deception keeps rising. May you not be deceived. My allegiance is with Jesus and not any prophet or politician, however, I would recommend some men with a proven track record that you can follow up and get directions from the Lord: Bob Jones (of blessed memory), Rick Joyner, John Hagee, Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj, Sid Roth, Jim Bakker, Kelly Varner, Olubi Johnson and Babs Adewumi.

These names are not authorities in themselves that can be taken without cross-checking. They are men. I am doing this because of the great importance I accord to the ministry of the prophets at this time. I by no means down grade other ministries. In this last days, we must eat the entire lamb. God keep us all!


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