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2018: Prophetic For Nigeria?

The year 2018 started on a very dark note for the nation as attacks by Fulani herdsmen started on the very first day of the year and it continued for virtually the entire year. The year was full of killings in several parts of the nation. The ones that could be ascribed to Fulani terrorists in the North Central were ascribed to them while others were simply accredited to bandits. Boko Haram and ISWAP in the North East didn't stop their evil acts. The year also recorded several natural disasters in the South South and many evil occurences that claimed lives and properties in the South West. A very significant one was tanker explosion that happened in Lagos that took away over 100 vehicles.
Oil tanker Explosion in Lagos

These are the many sorrows that hit the land beyond the rivers of Ethiopia and made us to look up to God as our only help. 2018 shifted many things in Nigeria as the scriptures prophesied it that Godliness and sin will grow into their highest points before the coming of our LORD Jesus Christ. Sin had a very obvious growth in Nigeria during the year, but Godliness didn't slack as there were a lot of advancement in the church of Christ too.

From 2017, the church has entered into a realm of Glory evidenced by tangible presence of the LORD in worship and prayers. The atmosphere was so strong at the beginning of the year that it was obvious that the devil was in a desperate attention to get our attention through the many atrocities that he committed. The church was strengthened by the passing away of Billy Graham in February and we pressed on.

Prayers intensified in the year and the fulfillment of prophecies began to take place. the church in Nigeria has officially entered into a season of the fulfillment of prophecies. Corporate and individual. The revelation of our destiny increased and the wave of false doctrine declined. Towards the end of the year, the LORD began to reveal to several prophets in the land how that He is stirring His people to pray. When God does that, it is because He wants to be seen more in the land. Prayer conferences, prayer walks and gatherings filled the last two months of the year.  Several campuses were used to foster this. UI and FUOYE had long stretch prayers for days, OAU had a unprecedented corporate prayer stretch. There were reports from many other schools.

A prayer walk in Ibadan

The glory cloud that has existed in the universities is beginning to take shape in the secondary and inspiring, primary schools in Ibadan. The LORD is truly taking over Nigeria. Many more shakings will take place in 2019 as we continue to ask for our LORD to come.

"And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not."


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