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The Prophetic Events of 2021

A new year is here. Our God is the same yesterday, today and forever! As time rolls on, we follow God and His plans. In Matthew 24, the disciples of Jesus asked Him 3 questions: when shall these things (destruction of Jerusalem) be, what shall be the signs of Your coming, what shall be the signs of the end of the world. The answers of Jesus is what we are following year after year. 

A lot of prophetic events took place in 2021 and here is a list of those events that can keep our hearts warmed and primed for the coming of our LORD Jesus Christ:

Beginning of the Year 5782

The Hebrew year 5782 started in September, 2021 and will run till Rosh hashanah in 2022 September. The current Hebrew year is a Shmita year which is a year where the farmers will allow the land to fallow and simply trust God for their feeding. It's a year of rest for the land which a type of what God is doing in the church. The year 5782 also refers to the year of the speaking mouth.

Drying Up Of River Euphrates

In September, 2021, the river Euphrates dried up and this has been prophesied in the book of Revelation 16:12 as the sign for the preparation of the of the way of the kings of the East. Who is this king of the East? Major countries to the east of Euphrates are Russia, China and Iran. Are we set to see the rising up of the dominance of China? Will the Russia-Ukraine strain lead to much more than it is?

Natural Disasters

Natural disasters is one of the signs that characterise the last days. In 2021, the biggest earthquake occurred in August in Haiti which claimed 2,248 lives. There was landslide and flood in China, Germany and Belgium that took over 500 lives. In December, wild fire broke out in US and a super typhoon in Philippines.

Increase in the Angelic

The book of Revelation shows a lot of events involving Angels in the last days. There have been a lot of visions in many parts of the world that the activity of Angels have increased. Individually and corporately, the angelic is on the rise.


The pandemic that started in 2019 still ravaged the world all through 2021. Nations still had to create a lot of measures to keep the virus in check. Lock downs, vaccines, remote work continued. It looks like the world will not be able to return back to normal. Different strains like Delta and Omicron showed up during the year.

Political Unrests/Tensions

The Global Peace Index calls 2021 "the year of civil unrest". It would interest you that despite the heavy BLM protests of 2020, 2021 witnessed more protests. Political tensions ravaged the high and the low. It started with the capitol riots in USA. The Afghanistan take over by the Taliban stands tall in the political scenes of 2021. The Russia-Ukraine strain is agitating NATO, Iran is back to the tables to discuss their nuclear power deal (it was set aside by Donald Trump). The result of that deal will have a lot of effect on the natural Israel (which is a type of the church). China also has her portions of political unrests with Taiwan and Hong Kong situations. I was surprised to see Nigeria on the Wikipedia list of nations that had political unrests this year. I know that banditry, kidnapping and senseless killings increased in 2021. I don't know if that is what Wikipedia regards to as political tension.

Notable Deaths

Towards the end of the year, the world had to mourn Desmond Tutu, a man who stood as an icon for liberty and equality among races in South Africa. A major voice against the Apartheid regime in South Africa, a pastor who understood the role of the church in nation building. This man was a beacon and one in the order of Martin Luther King Jr. I believe that his passing will lead to the rise of many in that order.

Altogether, 2021 lived up to prophetic expectations. As the year ahead of the strange 2020, the year seemed like a silent year, but the year set a lot of things in their right places. Buildings, numberings, sharpenings and separations took place during the year. I expect a lot to take place in this year 2022.


Well noted.

Thanks for the update,sir.
Bisadezoe said…
🙇🙇 noted sir

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