There is this story where economic experts came together at the beginning of a certain year to forecast what the outlook of the year would be for their country. They studied the cash flow during the past years and gave projections of what the New Year would look like. They didn't expect any economic growth but they suspected that there could be. However, they were modest and would not want to raise false hopes.
While the nation was rejoicing at the experts’ prediction that has that has always been right for over 2 decades, the president summoned them to a meeting to inform them of an inclination he had that the economy of the country was about to take a downward turn. The president chose to reduce spending and save instead of maintaining the status quo. They advised the president that there was no need to cut costs as they were doing fine. The poverty rate has declined so much in the land, SMEs were prospering easily and the GDP was on a consistent rise. The economic climate was all fine. There was no need to cause a cash crunch in the nation, but the president was adamant.
The left and right wing media were all against him. He was criticized for raising an unnecessary alarm. In his defense, the president said that they were in a time of surplus and he believed, from the data available to him, that there was a need to have a robust reserve for the coming years. Nobody believed him. He could not substantiate his claims with relevant facts. His circle of cabals became indignant because there were reports that he was only listening to a certain adviser he recently appointed. That adviser had just left prison; he wasn’t aware of the economic trends. He was the last person to listen to. His core ministers resigned their positions.
The president made that same adviser the minister of finance and his policies were just stupid, to be modest. But without any sign, the economy of the world suddenly went south. Everything that nations depended on failed. International organizations like World Bank and IMF were stretched thin so that they couldn’t rescue the nations. Everyone were in utter mess, but this country stood out! As the economy of the nations kept going downwards, this nation was flourishing as the reserves of the minister of finance made the country to be able to survive the global issue. It wasn’t long before nations began to look to that nation for help just because ‘there is grain in Egypt’.
The scripture, from Adam to Noah, Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Daniel, Jesus to Paul, shows us that there is a different manner things can be done that would first look like foolishness until it eventually solves the challenge of the day. This pattern of solving things is often despised by the order of the day and the people who take this path are often despised at the beginning, but later respected for the supernatural insight. This insight is referred to as wisdom.
There is a certain kind of wisdom that God gives that is different from the world's wisdom. This wisdom is able to proffer solutions to economics, medicine, government, education, media, family system, arts and entertainment. It is all encompassing!
The last days will feature this wisdom upon the sons of God. Bible refers to it as the spirit of wisdom. It would be abundant in the bride of Christ so much that it would make the bride very distinct from the world. The difference would be so wide that the world would marvel. It will be a sign to them that Jesus truly exist. Matthew 24 defines it as the preaching of the gospel of the kingdom which is the manifestation of the goodies of the kingdom.
The story I shared is what the story of Joseph would look like in this times. The spirit of wisdom will overshadow sons in this last days and it will lead to supernatural wisdom, innovations, inventions and ideas just like Joseph. Noah, Enoch, Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Jacob, Issachar, Moses, Joshua, Deborah and Ruth had. Countries, multinationals and corporations will find themselves looking up to believers for counsel. This is a dimension of the manifestation of the sons of God in the last days.