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25 Books I Hope You Read

Still celebrating my 25th birthday, I will recommend 25 books that I have read and have made tremendous impact on my life. These books are gold mines that will definitely make you spiritually rich. These are the books in no particular order:

1-HOW YOU CAN BE LED BY THE SPIRIT OF GOD by Kenneth E. Hagin: I bought this book in 100L to quench my thirst about hearing God which was a mystery to me. The book taught me what it means to hear God and how to hear God.

2-ZOE-THE GOD KIND OF LIFE by Kenneth E. Hagin: This book opened up what Christianity truly means and what my quest as a Christian should be. My hunger was stirred up as a result of what I learnt from the book.

3-GOOD MORNING HOLY SPIRIT by Benny Hinn: I got to know about the Holy Spirit from this book. The author has a real experience with the Holy Spirit and he communicates the knowledge of Him in a very simple way.

4-THERE WERE TWO TREES IN A GARDEN by Rick Joyner: This book is quite small, but mighty. It exposed the deception of the devil that was lying deep within me. The Life of God became my utmost desire as a result of the lessons of this book.

5-DECREE by Patricia King: This book is a book of confessions about several areas of my life. I have prayed it several times, but presently I pray it every month. You can reach me for the soft copy.

6-TONGUES BEYOND THE UPPER ROOM by Kenneth E. Hagin: After I was baptised in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues, I still had issues with praying in the Spirit because I didn't have enough knowledge. While reading this book, I bursted out in tongues and even the diverse kinds of tongues. One of my memorable experiences as a Christian was reading this book.

7-COMMONSENSE GUIDE TO FASTING by Kenneth E. Hagin: This book was recommended to me by a past president of my fellowship and I have read the book about 4 times. Quite small, but mighty. This book teaches about fasting and it helped me to be able to reach God better through fasting.

8-THE DAY OF THE SAINTS by Bill Hamon: I saw this book among my Dad's books and after reading it, I bought my own and made many of my friends buy it too. I can say this is the best book I have ever read, but I would just say it has it own place. This book is a prophetic one that explains where the church started, where the church is and where the church is going. Its a big book, but when you start, you will not be able to stop!

9-BELIEVERS' AUTHORITY by Kenneth E. Hagin: I was asked to read this book as an assignment in 100L. This book explains the kind of authority I have as a Christian and it helped to shape my prayers and spiritual warfare.

10-DIGNITY OF MANHOOD by Gbile Akanni: I read this book during my service year and it is the book that has challenged me to grow up to maturity the most. The author talks about the role of a man in the family which I saw that I still fall short of. Read this book in sincerity and act on it.

11-LIFE LESSONS FOR A GENERATION THAT NEEDS TO HEAR by Wallace Hickey: The author is a contemporary of Kenneth Hagin and the husband of the popular TV host, Marilyn Hickey. The book is about his life story and I was fired up by his persistence and humility.

12-BENEFITS OF CHANGE by Myles Munroe: Reading this book taught me about transitions in life and how to prepare for it. It gave me an honourable perspective for life which I still cherish till date.

13-CHURCHSHIFT by Sunday Adelaja: Well, I read this book and I am now certain that the story of how Joseph became a prime minister in Egypt is still possible in our days. Churchshift is a classical book every Christian should read. Church has taken a different form; learn about it from this book.

14-AN ENDURING VISION by Rick Joyner: It's a 50-days devotional book that I have read about 10 times. This book has treasures that have been hidden for ages. Each time I read, I learn again and again. My faith in God stirres up each time I read it.

15-ALIVE by Ola Kolawole Joseph: When I read this book, I became grateful to God for saving me by Grace and calling me His own. This book will show you how much your salvation costs and how much you need to appreciate it. Being a Christian is a big deal. If you have someone who just got saved, let the person read this!

16-TEARS ON MY PILLOW by Taiwo Iredele Odubiyi: A novel about marriage that revealed to me that God truly has a Will concerning choice of life partner. God first, partner second. The intriguing story got me glued for some days.

17-SPIRITUAL LEADERSHIP by Oswald J. Sanders: First four chapters and I was deeply cut at the depth of revelation about leadership the author expounds. If I would give out out any book on leadership, it would be this. John Maxwell said that this book is the greatest influence on his life.

18-VISIONS OF THE HARVEST by Rick Joyner: Living in the end times has it responsibilities. This book encouraged my heart as it gave me understanding about the different roles that will be working together for the harvest. It strengthened me to be more faithful in the call of God over my life.

19-CURE FOR A TROUBLED HEART by Ron Mehl: This book is an exposition of my favorite psalm- Psalm 37. This book helped me find beauty in my ashes and sense in my nonsense. The story of David in the chapter made it clear to me that God's faithfulness is sure over me. The book is always a treasure to me. I don't have this book again. Please, if you find it around you, I am willing to buy it.

20-GREATEST POWER IN THE WORLD by Kathryn Kulman: The title caught my attention and I found out another close friend of the Holy Spirit. When she talks about the Holy Spirit, you will think He has flesh and can be seen. This book made the Holy Ghost more real to me.

21-THE THREE BATTLEGROUNDS by Francis Frangipane: I was given this book in 200L and reading it was the best thing that could have happened to me at that time. The book talks about the battlefield of the mind, the church and the heavens. Solid understanding will be yours after reading.

22-WHEN YOU SEE THE INVISIBLE, YOU CAN DO THE IMPOSSIBLE by Oral Roberts: I read this book just before going for my service year. It is about the life and ministry of the American Evangelist- Oral Roberts. I learnt so much principles from this book about life, ministry and marriage.

23-MOSES, THE MASTER AND THE MANCHILD by Kelly Varner: Understanding the rols and the destiny of the manchild came from here. If you want to know about the destiny of the church at this time, learn from this book. Kelly Varner is a master in topics like this.

24-LEANING ON OUR BELOVED by Mick Bickle: Pastor Bickle has a special touch in teachimg about intimacy. He is the pastor of Misty Edwards. This book is a leaflet that you can read in one sitting, but the lessons will last you forever. It taught me to rely on God to grow.

25-FAITH FOR THE NEXT LEVEL by Segun Obadje: I got hold of this book in my final year and it proved to be very timely and helpful. I learnt about faith in a dynamic way from a man that is looking for a city whose builder and maker is God.

I have read many of these books over and over and I would admonish you to always read your books again. It helped to digest them well. All the authors have other books and materials. Anyone you find around you will be helpful and if you have any book to recommend for me, please drop the title as a comment. Cheers!


BrownySaysblog said…
Great! I really wish I can read all these books too. I have read just 3 of them.. welldone
Unknown said…
Pls u need a soft copy of Decree. Thanks
Unknown said…
I am happy that I met you in my life. For the little we have talked you exhibit a young man full of kindness, love, wisdom and full of responsibility. May God continue to enlarge you in all aspects of your life in Jesus name Amen. However I would like to have have the soft copy of the book tittle Decree by Patricia King. thank you.
Unknown said…
I am happy that I met you in my life. For the little we have talked you exhibit a young man full of kindness, love, wisdom and full of responsibility. May God continue to enlarge you in all aspects of your life in Jesus name Amen. However I would like to have have the soft copy of the book tittle Decree by Patricia King. thank you.
Permit me to recommend one - FINISHING STRONG by Steve Farrar.
Permit me to recommend one - FINISHING STRONG by Steve Farrar.
Olajide said…
Amazing!!! I have actually read some of these, but I think am being stirred to read more. God help me...

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