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2023: Prophetic Events


I welcome you to the year AD 2024. I believe that your hopes are renewed for greater heights in all that God has called you to be and to do. Like I do every year, I have come to give you an account of the major events of 2023 as we wait for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Jesus gave us signs that will be happening around the time He would return, so it's important that we watch and put our house in order because in 2023, we edged closer to seeing our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

World Events

United Nations described the year 2023 as a year of Enormous Suffering and Violence. Global Peace Index continue to nosedive for the 9th consecutive year, losing 0.42% in 2023 alone.

BRICS Expansion in August to include Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Iran, UAE, Egypt and Ethiopia sent shock waves round the world as the organization is getting big enough to confront NATO. Are we going to see greater shakings of nations in 2024?

China Spy Balloons showed up on the streets of America in February  and it led to a lot of criticisms of the Joe Biden government.

China opens borders finally in January to mark the end of the COVID pandemic, but it was until May that WHO officially announced the end of the pandemic. Thank God COVID is gone.

Israel Gaza War started in October and it has escalated so much that countries are already taking sides. Both nations have lost a lot of people and the war still rages on. The relative peace in the middle east is currently being strained. I hope it doesn't get worse.

Microsoft launched OpenAI in January and it has changed the landscape of several industries especially education. ChatGPT is a major tool today with merits and demerits abounding.

Russia pulled out of nuclear reduction treaty in February. This signals that Russia is increasing the notion that Russia is truly preparing to take over the world by engaging in a major war with Israel.  This prophecy is in Ezekiel 38. Will Russia attach Israel in 2024?

In May, King Charles, the third was coronated. In case you're not aware, there are revelations about this man that he is not the will of God for England. He has declared himself to belong to all religion which is alien to the throne he sits that affirms Jesus as Lord. Pray for England.

A surprising uproar happened in Russia by the Wagner group when they attacked the nation with the goal of ousting V. Putin. It wasn't successful and the Wagner group leader died months later in an accident. Accident?

India now has highest population in the world as the population growth rate of China keeps dropping and world population has officially entered 8 Billion. We need more labourers.

2023 records the highest temperature ever! Did you notice it too? May we not be fried in 2024. 


Africa experienced a major leadership shaking in 2023. With controversial elections in Nigeria, Gabon, Sierra Leone, Zimbabwe and Madagascar where the results were hotly contested and the democracy index of the continents dropped. To make matters worse, the Nigerien government was toppled by the military and it almost led to a West African war.

The rough election in Gabon also led to a coup where the military is still holding unto power till now. Failed Coups in Sierra Leone, The Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Sao Tome and Principe marked a terrible year for the politicians in Africa.

Drought in the Horn of Africa.

The drought and food insecurity in the region of Africa described as the horn of Africa continues to ravage. It is leading to malnutrition and disease outbreak in this region. Lord, have mercy!

Congo War

A deadly tribal war in DR Congo continues to turn millions into orphans and homeless. This war has been going on for over 20 years and no government have been able to bring solution.

French out, Russia In

The shakings that happened in the government of many African countries is taking a new turn as French occupation of many nations is collapsing and Russian soldiers coming in to maintain peace. What does this mean for Africa? Remember the prophecy that Russia will eventually go to war with Israel. Is this in preparation?


Naira Redesign

One of the events that shaped the elections was the naira redesign by the CBN. Many believe that it was a plot to stop Bola Tinubu, but it led to a lot of hardship for the people. It reminds me of Revelations 13.

Guinness World Records

Nigerians suddenly woke up to breaking several records in the Guinness book of world records after a lady- Hilda Baci broke the world record for cooking. Many Nigerians went on to break many records. Could this be a pointer to the prophetic destiny of Nigeria to spread all over the world for the gospel?


The death of musician Mobad played out in a very interesting manner which showed that truly blood speaks. While he wasn't a believer, the call for justice for him reveals what bible says that blood speaks.

Altogether, 2023 showed greatly that the coming of Jesus is close. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit is saying.


Anonymous said…
God bless you bro.
Thanks for this!

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