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Clarion Call For 2023 Elections

Over time, many of my friends have been asking me concerning my stand about the 2023 election. I have been quiet about it because the LORD has not given me a word concerning the elections.

While I got requests of what I think, I have also been getting several revelations from different quarters. Someone sent me a dream from Port Harcourt and it was very scary. The enemy is going very far this time and it is alarming that they are willing to go that far just to get their demand.

This evening, 7th September, 2022, I prayed with Christian Youth Alliance on WhatsApp and after the prayers a strong burden came upon me to pray for Nigeria. As I prayed, I started getting information about what the devil is doing. After some time, I was able to put the summary of the word of the LORD to me in writing. Here is it:

From my priestly office,

I let out a clarion call

A cry from the heavens

There is an abundance of trading

Going on over Nigeria!

I see enchantments,

Divinations, Sacrifices,


To manipulate the atmosphere of the Land

Concerning the 2023 elections.

I see an abundance of tradings

Night and day, night and day,

They keep going!

But the LORD has exposed them

Light has shone out of darkness

What they hid has been revealed

What they are hiding is being revealed

What they will hid will be revealed

Let every prayer cell rise

Put on your priestly armour

Cut of the trading lines

Cast out the profane out of Nigeria

Destroy the Baal priests from the midst of the fiery stones

Silence their altars

Stand in the way of the iniquity of their tradings

Stop these trafficking.

Job 5:12-13 He frustrates the devices of the crafty, So that their hands cannot carry out their plans. He catches the wise in their own craftiness, And the counsel of the cunning comes quickly upon them.

'Lanre Olaniyi

7th September, 2022

I hope that many more people will stand up and pray for Nigeria at this time. Pray from Ezekiel 28 and Job 5 as the Spirit leads. As a scribe, it is my duty to make God's word known.


Our LORD comes!


David Ajaja said…
Bless you Sir!
I pray that the Lord energise our heart to be able to stand for him to uphold his standards in this land until his will is done, his glory is seen and his name is his name is evident on the lips of men!
Unknown said…
Thank you sir for the reawakening.
His glory will be seen and we as well will not slack on that which he has placed in our hands.
Thank you for this sir, God bless you.
God will help us this day and time to stand at our duty post and to raise our horn of prayer to the God of Zion.
Unknown said…
Thank you for blowing the alarm, sir, may the Lord strengthen us as we mount our watch.
Pleasant Ishola said…

Thank you so much Sir for blowing the alarm
Unknown said…
Thank you very much for blowing the alarm to us sir, the Lord will strengthen us to keep our watch and to diligently stand in our place of prayer...
More wisdom sir.
Unknown said…
To God be the glory forever the darkness cannot overcome light ....

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