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After Donald Trump, Who is Next? (Part 2)

If you paid attention to the first part of this article, you will notice that I addressed it to Christians because I consider it important for you to understand what is going on in USA presently. I could have sat back and just face my business, but I always say that anyone who loves God would be concerned about America. America is a nation with a rich history in God. The founding fathers based the country on the principles of the bible. In fact, many parts of the constitution were lifted from the bible. They made sure that they dedicated every sector of the nation to God so much that they regarded the country as God's own country.

Ever since inception, the nation has been destined for greatness. The moves of God that have been birthed in that country has traveled round the world and has played a major role in the current stature of the body of Christ. However, about 50 years ago, the nation began to tread a path different from that of their founding fathers. The nation began to embrace unrighteousness. The American church stood up to the huge task of bringing the people back to God, but the more they cried out, the more the people went astray.

To make matters worse, the current generation of Americans did not just reject God, they also oppose God. Rejecting God means that you do not want to have anything to do with God while opposing God means that you want to stand against God's will. Rick Joyner, in his latest book, Army of the dawn, said that 'America is no longer in post-Christianity era, but has not moved to anti-Christianity era.' This is the sad state of the country and many Western nations too. They do not want to hear Jesus in their schools, hospitals, public places, media, entertainment and government houses. Jesus is being snuffed out of their country. 

This was the state of things in 2016 when prophets began to say that God would give America an opportunity to repent. They would have a leader whose tenure will be a window; more like a break from the rising immorality. They mentioned an unusual name- Donald Trump. I remember how the Indian prophet, Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj described his encounter in a council of heaven. He said that God is giving America a Cyrus who would 'discipline and restore'.

America sure had a lot of repentance to do at that time. The dust of the liberal Obama administration that had LGBTQ legalized was still in the air. It was in this situation that Donald Trump came into the scene. I was in Northern Nigeria during the campaign in 2016. I watched a lot of his campaign. I wasn't impressed. April of that year, I returned to the South West and I began to see news of prophets saying God has chosen him to be the next president. I wondered why prophets were mentioning his name.

I don't know how much of a Christian Trump is, but I know that he is a result oriented leader who has a lot of respect for the Christians and their God. Trump disagreed with Obama that Muslims were being marginalized and censored because of their religion. Rather, he believes that it is the Christians that are being persecuted for their faith. Throughout his tenure, he never hid his admiration for Christians and would always speak out when Christians were ill-treated in any part of the world. I still have his video on my phone where he chose to regard churches as essential service providers during the COVID-19 lock down.

Concerning Israel, Trump realigned the friendship of Israel-US ( a long standing friendship which Obama never honored), recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel (which is needed for Israel to build the third temple which is in turn necessary for the coming back of Jesus), recognized the Golan Heights as part of Israel (a prophecy that is almost 40 years old), brokered peace for Israel with UAE, Egypt, Morocco and Saudi Arabia and caged Iran (who publicly boasted that they would wipe out Israel from world map during Obama admin). You can imagine what the next 4 years will look like for Israel with Biden. God forbid!

As all of these were going on, the nation that was supposed to repent kept on fighting the man. When a man/people do not understand their time and season, they wouldn't know what they ought to do. Why this concerns you is because most of the things that originates from America gets to the whole world. The Godliness that ruled the nation in the past affected many countries. Till today, most Nigerian ministers with influence today fed from Kenneth Hagin. The same goes for Sin. Many Sinful acts are being transported down. Abortion laws, homosexuality, transgender etc.

If America refuses to repent, Sin will continue to abound and you will have more temptations coming your way. You will need more spiritual strength to stand in the way of Life. Fulfilling your marketplace call will be harder. Nobody will be spared. Donald TRUMP(et) is more of a sign than a political figure. So I really do not see why Christians should be rejoicing at his defeat. Nigeria was finally able to get weapons to fight Boko haram when Trump lifted the ban on Nigeria for buying weapons. (The ban was placed on us by Obama to block Boko haram from buying weapons, but it stopped Federal Government from buying too).

The truth is that Donald Trump is not finished. There is still so much work to do and America needs a wide window to eventually see their need for God. You know what, after Donald Trump, you're next! I will prove it to you in the next part. Expect part 3!


Cognitio said…
It's getting clearer
Unknown said…
Hummmm!! Give us all the understanding of times and season.
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